Environmental Stewardship

At Osler, we are committed to being thoughtful stewards of our winter environment so that members and guests, current and future, can continue to enjoy outdoor recreation in every season.

Climate change and habitat preservation are real issues threatening our planet which require immediate action. The ski industry has a sizeable carbon footprint, and the impact of skiers on the slopes is undeniable.

Through various initiatives such as tree planting, improved waste management and increased operational efficiency, we are working to reduce our collective effect on the environment.

We believe that it is in our best interest, and that of future generations, to start taking action so that we can reduce our footprint, give back to the planet, and continue to enjoy the sport we love.

Thank you to Osler members and staff for your ongoing support of our green efforts!

Home to Hill Winter Green Pass

Greening your Ride, from Home to Hill

Did you know, over the ski season, an average Osler members’ weekly car trips to and from the Club create about 0.7 tonnes of CO2e*?  Per car, that’s the equivalent of a one-way plane ride to Vancouver!

Through our Environmental Stewardship efforts, Osler Bluff Ski Club is partnering with Bullfrog Power to help offset the carbon footprint of our weekly club commute. This is an easy and effective way for members to displace their vehicle-related emissions for the ski season (12 weeks), and in so doing, support the development of energy efficiency projects around the world.

Here's how it works and how you can get involved: 

  • Members express their interest in carbon offsets to match the average amount of CO2e produced (0.7 tonnes) by vehicles traveling ~300 km per round trip between the GTA and Osler over the course of the 12-week ski season
    • Choose number of vehicles and whether you would like your participation published on our site
  •  Your Osler account is charged a one-time fee of $19.00 (HST included) per vehicle 
  • On your behalf, Osler purchases Gold Standard-certified carbon offsets from Bullfrog Power to match the emissions produced by participating members. 
*Based on a 300 km round trip in an average sized car

Who is Bullfrog Power? 
Since 2005, Bullfrog Power has helped thousands of businesses and households mitigate their carbon footprint through green energy and offset solutions. As a certified B Corporation, Bullfrog Power meets higher standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability, and is supported by leading environmental groups including the Pembina Institute. www.bullfrogpower.com 
What are Gold Standard-certified offsets? 
The Gold Standard program is one of the highest-quality offerings on the market and prioritizes positive social and environmental impact in developing countries. Projects must adhere to three or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). Gold Standard is endorsed by leading environmental groups such as WWF, as they maximize impact and create value for both people and the planet. LESS is a subsidiary of Bullfrog and manages this program. See the Gold Standard project we will be supporting here.

Osler Green

Environmental Footprint

By reducing our environmental footprint we will:

  • Minimize our impact on our natural environment
  • Save money through energy-efficient projects
  • Lead by example in the ski industry demonstrating the positive and wide-ranging impact of our actions
  • Model eco-citizenship for our children and demonstrate our commitment to a thriving outdoor lifestyle for future generations

It is in our best interest, and that of future generations, to start taking action so that we can continue to enjoy the sport we love.

We look forward to working with you to build a cleaner, greener Osler!


Osler Green’s vision for the Club is to:

  • Protect our natural environment and take responsibility for our impacts
  • Minimize our sustainability footprint across all key impact areas
  • Be seen as leaders in the ski industry locally and internationally
  • Model sustainable stewardship for our children and demonstrate our commitment to future generations

Environmental Baseline Study

Annual environmental baseline studies began in 2022 to help us understand Osler’s environmental position, and to ensure that sustainability strategy targets our highest impact opportunities.

Baseline studies aim to cover all operations on club property excluding private chalets and associated services, considering the following:

  • Energy use and associated carbon emissions
  • Water use
  • Waste consumed
  • Procurement and partners
  • Ecosystems
  • Transportation


The following are the initiatives that have, and are, being implemented by Osler Green, with more to come!

Ceramic Coffee Mugs & Milk and Cream Thermoses

Disposable coffee cups and lids have been replaced with ceramic coffee mugs, reducing our single-use waste. Reusable mugs are not only a more environmentally friendly choice, they create a homey feel around the Clubhouse, encouraging members and guests to slow down and enjoy their surroundings.

In years past, Osler has used single-serve milk and creamers, creating a significant amount of unnecessary waste. These have been replaced with insulated thermoses allowing us to eliminate the excess garbage, to better maintain the temperature of dairy products, and to offer milk-alternatives such as oat milk for member and guest enjoyment.

Poop Pails

Compost bins for dog waste have been put in place at the base of hiking trails and around the reservoir at Osler. Thanks to people using the bins, over 200 gallons of poop have already been collected!

Beyond the mess of animal waste on trails, dog poop is a hazard that is on par with pesticides containing bacteria and parasites which can affect our water supply and infect humans.

New Waste Sorting Bins

We have recently replaced old garbage units with waste sorting bins that are clearly labeled, making it easier for members to sort their waste to ensure it is being disposed of properly. In doing so, we are better able to monitor how much trash we are producing and make operational decisions that better serve the membership and the planet. Food Dudes has also recently replaced disposable dishware with reusable plates and bowls, further reducing our waste.

Tree planting

Every spring, the Osler community continues its annual reforestation effort, planting thousands of trees trees in the Oslerview flatland trail and up the ski hill. Crews put in a mixture of eastern white cedar, white spruce, white pine, sugar maple and silver maple saplings which will improve our lush, green hillscape on Osler property. New this year is a tree nursery at the lower reservoir, nurturing saplings for strategic replanting once they are established. 

Our new trees will fill out our forest where ash trees are dying, and will encourage forest renewal in areas with few trees or those where there is an excess of hawthorn.

Grow Me Instead

Check out our guide about the invasive tendencies of common garden plants. It offers appropriate, non-invasive alternatives and provides tips for ecologically-sound gardening to promote our biodiversity.

See More

This guide was created as part of our commitment to protect and diversify Osler’s cabin property landscapes and is helpful for all members and their communities.


Protect Our Winters: https://protectourwinters.org
Collingwood Climate Action: https://www.collingwoodclimateaction.com
Pollinate Collingwood: https://www.pollinatecollingwood.ca
Sustainability @ Arapahoe Basin: https://www.arapahoebasin.com/about/sustainability/